Total Matching Records found : 6169

It’s not quite a silver bullet

-The Hindustan Times The government will begin switching over to a system of direct cash transfers for welfare in the New Year and hopes to roll it out all over the country in the ensuing 364 days. This is a radical departure from the existing welfare delivery mechanism so riddled with leaks that a mere fraction of the benefits reach the intended target groups. By co-building these transfers with biometric enumeration...

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MPs seek revision of NREGA over existing corruption in the scheme Parliamentarians on Wednesday raised concerns about the existing corruption in the UPA government's flagship Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS), saying it needs to be revised to ensure better implementation and reach. Speaking at a seminar on 'Hunger in India: A Silent Emergency', Rajya Sabha member M.S. Swaminathan said the time has come to rework the job guarantee scheme."It has a tremendous potential and government needs to revise it...

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Issues like food prices, PDS can hurt cash transfers plan in food-Madan Sabnavis

-The Economic Times Cash transfers will become a reality soon, and one area that the government is going to align with this mechanism is the Public Distribution System (PDS). While, prima facie, it appears to be a good idea, given that it removes quite a bit of inefficiency in the present system, there are certain issues that have to be addressed before we go in for the same as they could become...

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India’s crackdown on illegal mining is a huge bonus for big miners

-Reuters India’s efforts to clamp down on illegal mining have handed a $15 billion lifeline to global iron ore giants, and there could be more to come. Steps taken by central and state authorities to clean up the mining and export of iron ore have shut down output in two key producing states, slashing shipments and forcing steel mills to import a raw material the country has in abundance. Now the Shah Commission,...

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Rich Economy, Poor Management -Pranab Bardhan

-Outlook Don’t blame globalization for inequality – but rather policies hijacked by a few Economic globalization in the sense of expansion of foreign trade and investment is, of course, somewhat anaemic, reflecting the impact of global recession, although still vigorous in the sense of continuous international transmission of technology, information, ideas and social media. But in the world of politics and policymaking a cold wind is blowing, dimming earlier enthusiasm for global...

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