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More than 50% of farm households in debt -Rukmini S

-The Hindu NSSO survey across 35000 family units Nearly 90 per cent of India's farmers have less than two hectares of land, according to the most extensive survey of farm households to date conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). The survey says the average farm household makes less than Rs. 6,500 a month from all sources of income. The NSSO released the findings from its 70th Situation of Agricultural Households in...

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Posh Metro will come without toilet facility -Jackson Jose

-Deccan Chronicle Chennai: The Chennai metro rail, in spite of being the most advanced mode of transport that is coming to the city, does not have any provision for toilets for its passengers. The design plan of none of the 31 stations shows toilets for passengers and officials confirm this. According to metro rail officials, the exclusion of toilets from the design is due to the fact that even Delhi metro...

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Learning from the Ernakulam experiment -S Krishna Kumar

-The Hindu Other States in India can study how the family planning programme has worked in Kerala and incorporate those features in their own programmes The recent tragedy of several women losing their lives in the state-sponsored tubectomy camp in Takhatpur, Chhattisgarh, has caused severe damage to the national family planning programme. This, however, is not an invalidation of the importance of sterilisation as an integral part of the programme, but only...

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Mostly cloudy -Shyam Saran

-The Indian Express Yet another depressing charade played out at Lima, Peru, where the 20th conference of the parties (COP) to the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) concluded on December 14, with a 43-page negotiating text, with several alternative formulations for virtually every provision. It is unlikely that, within the deadline set by the Paris COP in December 2015, an agreed text will be negotiated, especially since Lima has...

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'Modi disappointing on education':Dr. Devesh Kapur -Varghese K George

-The Hindu The trajectory of the Narendra Modi government's education policy has been "disappointing and makes one apprehensive," said Dr. Devesh Kapur, Director of the Centre for the Advanced Study of India at the University of Pennsylvania and an expert on human capital, diaspora and political and economic change in developing countries. "It makes me apprehensive. I don't see any fundamental change in a view - common to our Left and...

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