-The Hindu Party may have missed target section The Congress had seemed to be in a relatively better position when the election year began, but its efforts to create an anti-incumbency atmosphere in the country were derailed by the Narendra Modi-led BJP government post-Pulwama and Balakot. Having struggled to counter the dominant narrative of nationalism and Hindutva created by the ruling party, the Congress announced its minimum income guarantee, or NYAY, scheme for...
Election Commission acts against online posts -Devesh K Pandey
-The Hindu The Election Commission’s coordination with social media groups for taking action against fake news and contents violating poll rules has so far resulted in the removal of 628 online posts. Since the Model Code of Conduct came into force, 574 Facebook posts have been taken off for various reasons. In all, 468 political posts were detected during the silence period as provided under the Representation of the People Act...
More »Over 500 online posts taken down on EC nudge -Bharti Jain
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Over 80% of the posts taken down by Facebook, Twitter, Google and WhatsApp on the request of the Election Commission (EC) in the middle of election campaigning were political or Advertisements violating the 48-hour ‘silence period’ prior to polling. According to data, 537 political posts and Advertisements were removed by the four companies during the ‘silence period’ of the first three phases. While Facebook took down...
More »NaMo TV is an illustration of how the model code is frozen in time -Arghya Sengupta
-The Telegraph The time for informality is over — the Election Commission’s stature requires legal heft When Winston Churchill stood for re-election as prime minister in 1945 after leading Britain to victory in the Second World War, few could have predicted his resounding defeat at the hustings. Churchill was the same fiery, belligerent and all-powerful leader inspiring awe amongst his countrymen. Yet the country had slowly but surely changed when nobody was...
More »NaMo TV content must be certified, says Election Commission -Anubhuti Vishnoi
-The Economic Times The EC is set to ask that the expenditure incurred towards this ‘advertising’ portal be reflected in BJP’s annual audit and expenditure reports. New Delhi: The Election Commission has ruled that NaMo TV, BJP’s purported ‘advertising portal’ carried by DTH operators, should be subjected to content certification regime, like all other political Advertisements during the model code period. ET has learnt that the poll panel has written to the Delhi...
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