Five years after it had upheld the expulsion of 11 MPs in the cash-for-questions scam, the Supreme Court on Monday dismissed the Delhi police's bid to prosecute the two journalists who had conducted the sting operation. As a corollary, a 2010 Delhi high court ruling that corruption can be exposed by undercover journalists without informing authorities has attained finality. A bench headed by Justice Aftab Alam dismissed the special leave petition filed...
Abu Zafar among 8 journalists selected for Inclusive Media Fellowships-2011
-TCN News Eight journalists from all over India have been selected for the 2011 Inclusive Media Fellowships of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS). The recipients of the 2011 fellowships include three women reporters. For investigative and meaningful journalism, the fellows will spend time with rural communities to bring out their issues and anxieties for public and policy intervention. The Inclusive Media Project of CSDS also conducts media research...
Eight journalists from all over India have been selected for the 2011 Inclusive Media Fellowships of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS). One of the fellowships is supported by the ASER Centre of the Education NGO, Pratham, a pioneer in quality of education in Indian schools. The Inclusive Media Project also conducts media research and runs a unique resource centre,, on India’s rural crises. The recipients of the...
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