-The Hindu The Centre has decided to come up with a comprehensive legislation to deal with fake Scheduled Tribe Certificates that is used for securing employment against quota. Union Minister for Tribal Affairs V.Kishore Chandra Deo initiated the move after referring a case of this nature to the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) for initiating action against the wife of an IAS officer...
India has no room for its wandering builders-Moushumi Basu
The exploitation of migrant construction workers has grown alongside the expansion of the industry. It's time the government got serious about upholding the law. A recent report in The Hindu on the violation of labour laws at a massive construction site belonging to the Army Welfare Housing Organisation in Bangalore raises yet again the repeated neglect of regulations relating to the employment and welfare of workers by construction companies in India. For...
More »Ministry to challenge in apex court Adarsh panel report on land title
-The Hindu The Defence Ministry will challenge a judicial commission's findings on ownership of the plot of land where the controversial Adarsh Housing Society here was constructed. The two-member commission has concluded that though the Ministry was in possession of the land, the owner is the Maharashtra government. (The origins of the Adarsh Housing Society scam go back to February 2000. Though the housing complex was meant for serving and retired defence personnel,...
More »CBI files first chargesheet in NRHM case
-The Hindustan Times The CBI filed the first chargesheet in the multi-crore National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam on Tuesday. According to the chargesheet, five former UP government officials — among others — have misappropriated Rs 13.4 crore, 68% of the NRHM funds meant to upgrade 134 district hospitals in Uttar Pradesh. The officials were working with the state Construction & Design Services (C&DS), a unit of the Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam. Among...
More »Delhi police goofs up on Maoist leader Kobad Ghandy
-The Economic Times An embarrassing goof-up by the Delhi Police saw a Delhi court to discharge top CPI(Maoist) leader Kobad Ghandy on Tuesday of charges under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), even as it framed charges against him under IPC provisions relating to cheating, Forgery and impersonation. The failure of the Delhi Police to get mandatory clearance from a UAPA review committee constituted by the relevant sanctioning authority - the Delhi...
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