-The Hindu Wages amounting to ₹2,800 crore are pending with the Centre Dipali Mahato was among the hundreds of workers who gathered in front of the District Magistrate’s office in Purulia on Friday, demanding wages under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). “I have not received wages amounting to ₹8,000. The last time I worked under a 100 days employment scheme was in January this year,” Dipali said. A mother...
Group wants new order on MGNREGA workers revoked -Sobhana K. Nair
-The Hindu Peoples Action For Employment Guarantee says rule that mandates recording attendance on a mobile app is a violation of the NREGA law The Union Rural Development Ministry must withdraw its order to discontinue manual attendance for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREGA) scheme work sites with more than 20 workers to replace it using a mobile phone-based application — National Mobile Monitoring Software (NMMS) for recording attendance, the Peoples...
More »Use of App to Record MGNREGA Attendance ‘Violation’ of Worker Rights, Act
-Newsclick.in The PAEG has said that workers are entitled to wages on a piece-rate, not time-rate, basis. The Peoples’ Action for Employment Guarantee (PAEG) has opposed the rural development ministry’s May 13 order discontinuing manual attendance at Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) scheme worksites with more than 20 workers and replacing it with the National Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) app. Terming the decision as a violation of law that will...
More »Use of App to Record MGNREGA Attendance ‘Violation’ of Worker Rights, Act
-Newsclick.in The PAEG has said that workers are entitled to wages on a piece-rate, not time-rate, basis. The Peoples’ Action for Employment Guarantee (PAEG) has opposed the rural development ministry’s May 13 order discontinuing manual attendance at Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) scheme worksites with more than 20 workers and replacing it with the National Mobile Monitoring System (NMMS) app. Terming the decision as a violation of law that will...
More »Inter-cropping under the MGNREGA convergence scheme is providing livelihoods and improving health in Jharkhand -Manoj Choudhary
-Gaon Connection Birsa Harit Gram Yojana, launched in 2020 as a rural employment scheme, in convergence with the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, is providing double benefits to farmers who are cultivating their fallow lands and also earning wages. Barabanki (East Singhbhum), Jharkhand: For a large part of the year, 51-year-old Laxmi Narayan Singh's three acre plot of land used to remain fallow. He and his 46-year-old wife Savita Singh...
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