-The Hindu Nutrition indicators recorded in real-time are not in the public domain The Ministry of Women and Child Development has spent over ₹1,000 crore on its Poshan or Nutrition Tracker, which records real-time data on malnourished and ‘severe acute malnourished’ children in each anganwadi. But four years since its launch, the Government is yet to make the data public. The Government has spent ₹1,053 crore on the Poshan Tracker or Information Communication...
MSP guarantee is pro-small farmer -Indranil De
-The Hindu Business Line This will reduce disparity between States in procurement The announcement of abrogation of farm laws can only be the initial success of farmers’ collective actions. Most of the farmers are out of the ambit of these laws. The Shanta Kumar Committee report in 2015 estimated that only 6 per cent of the farmers could sell their produce through government agencies. Furthermore, the procurement is extremely unequal across States. During...
More »Explained: Why Lowest Bid May No Longer Be Enough To Win Govt Tenders As Centre Makes Quality Move
-News18.com The Modi govt has introduced quality-cum-cost based selection as a mode for awarding contracts, which means lowest-cost bid is no longer the chief criterion If the quality of execution has not always been regarded as the forte of public works in India, a key reason is the tendering guidelines, which said that contracts have to go to the lowest bidder. However, this stipulation, known as the L1 approach, is now no...
More »Overwhelming focus on wheat & rice aggravated India’s water crisis: Economist Mihir Shah -Moushumi Das Gupta
-ThePrint.in Mihir Shah, who headed the panel that drafted National Water Policy, says crop diversification, without endangering national food security, is important for resolving water crisis. New Delhi: The focus of Public procurement on predominantly wheat and rice dates back to the early years of the Green Revolution, and this is what enabled India to build a large buffer stock of grain. However, there is no doubt that this overwhelming focus on just...
More »Farmers in eastern India see little hope in protest -Priscilla Jebaraj and Vignesh Radhakrishnan
-The Hindu They have not got many of the benefits that the new laws threaten to take away. As the movement against the agricultural reform laws builds towards its one year anniversary, it is clear that the bulk of farmers in eastern Indian States have not been as motivated to join the agitation as their counterparts in the northwest, as they have not even experienced many of the benefits that the laws...
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