-The Hindu The matter was raised during Question Hour in the Rajya Sabha to which the Health Minister, JP Nadda, could only promise that he would issue an advisory. New Delhi: Parliamentarians across party lines on Tuesday demanded that the mysteries of what one MP, KTS Tulsi, termed “the great Indian spit” be revealed through a scientific study. He held the view that the Indian habit of spitting was the cause of many...
There are laws against spitting, but govts. walk around them
-The Hindu Widespread chewing, legendary paan shops and a ‘so-what’ attitude trump disease concerns. Chennai: Union Health Minister J. P. Nadda promised concerned members in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday that he would advise all States to ban spitting in public. He was reassuring several MPs led by K.T.S Tulsi, who expressed worry that “the great Indian spit” was causing many communicable diseases. Yet, most municipal laws already prohibit spitting and prescribe penalties....
More »96% new RS members crorepatis, Praful, Sibal on top
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Nearly all of the 57 parliamentarians newly elected to the Rajya Sabha are crorepatis with Praful Patel, Kapil Sibal and Satish Chandra Misra topping the charts. As many as 96 per cent or 55 are crorepatis and 13 have criminal cases against them according to an analysis by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR). NCP's Praful Patel has assets worth Rs 252 crore, followed by Kapil...
More »Coming soon: Clause in real estate bill to check bias against religion, sexual orientation, diet -Shalini Nair
-The Indian Express The anti-discrimination clause will provide recourse to buyers who are denied a house by builders owing to their caste, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, dietary choices or any such factors. The Centre is set to introduce an anti-discriminatory clause in rules under the real estate Act to curb the practice of builders refusing to sell their apartments based on a buyer’s religion, marital status or dietary preferences. The Real Estate...
More »Targeting RTI in the House -Anjali Bhardwaj & Amrita Johri
-The Indian Express MPs must not run down a law that promises a more informed citizenry The Right to Information (RTI) Act has undoubtedly been a most empowering legislation for citizens. The law has initiated the vital task of redistributing power in a democratic framework. It is perhaps this paradigm shift in the locus of power that has resulted in consistent efforts by the powerful to denigrate it. The latest attack on...
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