-PTI/ The Hindu 5,950 people shifted to safer places; rescue operations under way, says CM The flood situation is “grim” in north Madhya Pradesh where over 1,200 villages were affected following heavy rainfall and 5,950 people were shifted to safer places with the help of the Army, the NDRF, the BSF and State agencies, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said on Wednesday. He said 1,950 persons were still stranded in flood-hit areas and...
Hacking India’s Democracy – From Monitoring Metadata to Spying Real Time -CP Geevan
-KafilaOnline Blog On June 18 (Sunday evening in India), freedom-loving people across the world were shocked by the revelations of how a highly sophisticated and expensive digital technology, named Pegasus, a spyware sold by Israeli company NSO Group, has been systematically abused for years to spy on journalists, human rights defenders, academics, businesspeople, lawyers, doctors, union leaders, diplomats, politicians and even several heads of states. Regimes in several countries continue to...
More »Tablighi Jamaat: Orders against Times Now, two other channels show how self-regulation can work -Swathi Shivanand
-Scroll.in The News Broadcasting Standards Authority held the news outlets guilty of violating journalistic norms in their coverage of the religious group. The orders last month by the News Broadcasting Standards Authority holding three private news channels guilty of violating journalistic norms in their coverage of the Tablighi Jamaat Covid-19 cluster is a welcome move, even if long overdue. The orders against News18 Kannada, Suvarna News and Times Now are an indication...
More »Phone numbers of over 40 Indian journalists leaked by Pegasus spyware
-IANS/ The New Indian Express The Pegasus Project, a consortium of international news organisations, believes the leaked data is indicative of potential targets identified in advance of possible surveillance attempts. NEW DELHI: The Pegasus snoop list has 40 Indian journalists and forensic tests confirm presence of Pegasus spyware on some devices, The Wire reported. Those on leaked list of potential targets include journalists at Hindustan Times, The Hindu, The Wire, Indian Express,...
More »"Laws Won't Help": Nitish Kumar Counters BJP's Population Control Push -Manish Kumar
-NDTV.com According to Nitish Kumar, it was a "Eureka moment" for his government when data showed that the more educated the women of the family, the lesser the fertility rate. Patna: As BJP-ruled states like Uttar Pradesh and Assam push laws to control population, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bihar ally Nitish Kumar has once again publicly voiced his strong disagreement. "States can do whatever they want. But I clearly believe that it is...
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