-RuralIndiaOnline.org Maharashtra police detained five traditional herders from Kachchh on January 7 suspecting these semi-nomadic pastoralists were smuggling camels to slaughterhouses in Hyderabad. Also detained: 58 camels “We have not confiscated these 58 camels,” asserts Inspector Ajay Akare, in charge of the Talegaon Dashasar police station in Amravati district. “We don’t have the powers to do so since Maharashtra has no specific law against cruelty to these animals.” “The camels,” he says, “are...
NCEE questions Govt.'s reluctance in opening schools despite the lifting of curfew in Bengaluru
-Press release by National Coalition on the Education Emergency (NCEE) dated January 22, 2022 Schools in Bengaluru remain closed while malls, theatres, pubs and restaurants have been kept open. As of 21 January, the weekend curfew has been lifted as well. The decision to keep schools closed is having catastrophic consequences on children. Schools had only recently started opening after remaining mostly closed since March 2020. Their being closed again spells...
More »India's Policy Response to COVID-19: A Reality Check focussing on Dalits and Adivasis -Malini Chakravarty, Jawed Alam Khan and Rahat Tasneem
-Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) Given that one of the biggest casualties of the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown have been the loss of jobs and livelihood, this paper examines what the impact has been on the socially disadvantaged groups such as Dalits and Adivasis. It then analyses the Union Government's policy response and attempts to understand whether these measures were adequate to ameliorate the livelihood crisis. Please click here...
More »The cold truth about India’s income inequality -Seema Chishti
-The Hindu Far from pushing for social and economic equality, the state is fanning systems and principles to strengthen the divide The latest edition of the World Inequality Report (https://bit.ly/3Fx8vv4 and https://bit.ly/3EvazlY) has confirmed that the world continues to sprint down the path of inequality. “Global multimillionaires have captured a disproportionate share of global wealth growth over the past several decades: the top 1% took 38% of all additional wealth accumulated since...
More »Hindutva Brigade Disrupts 7 Christmas Events Across India -Naomi Barton
-TheWire.in 'They want to celebrate the commercial aspect of Christmas but don’t want Christmas to be there,' said John Dayal, former president of the All India Catholic Union. New Delhi: Incidents of anti-Christian protests, ruckus and misdemeanour perpetrated by rightwing Hindutva organisations were reported both on news outlets and across social media in the lead up to and on Christmas Day, across states. Uttar Pradesh 1. On Christmas eve, members reportedly belonging to the...
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