-The Indian Express An example is the Karnataka government’s Ksheera Bhagya scheme, which offers free milk over and above the MDM food entitlement. The shutting down of schools due to Covid-19 is affecting not only children, now unable to access cooked nutritional food under the Mid Day Meal (MDM) scheme, but also farmers for whom it provided an assured market. An example is the Karnataka government’s Ksheera Bhagya scheme, which offers free milk...
How the Lockdown Destroyed Children’s Nutrition Programmes -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in Meals distributed in anganwadi centres and schools petered out as the Modi government had made no plans for continuing the programmes during the lockdown. The world’s two biggest child nutrition programmes – the ICDS or Integrated Child Development Scheme and the Mid-Day Meal (MDM) programme – run by the Indian government suffered a severe jolt in March and April this year as foodgrain allocated for them was not made available during...
More »Why Women, Children In Rajasthan’s Tribal Belts Are Facing Hunger -Rajat Kumar and Priyanka Yadav
-India Spend Dungarpur: Hunger and malnutrition are likely to become more acute among young children and pregnant and lactating women in Rajasthan’s tribal belt as community health workers, who deliver public nutrition schemes, struggle with the food shortages caused by the ongoing lockdown, our field report shows. The delivery of food and ration kits for vulnerable social groups has also been impacted by the extra load of COVID-19 duties assigned to the...
More »Corona impact: Free lunch scheme for school children goes off the menu -Neetu Chandra Sharma
-Livemint.com * One fallout of the containment measures is that children have to do without the guaranteed school meal * Anganwadi workers have been directed to anganwadi centres only to receive take-home ration NEW DELHI: Unaware of the covid-19 pandemic, four-year-old Jamuni, a malnourished girl in Banda district of Uttar Pradesh, is worried that her primary school has been closed for the last 20 days. Her worry revolves around missing the mid-day meals...
More »Why Odisha's nutrition budget, the first in India, is a cut above the rest -Anupam Srivastava
-Down to Earth Odisha supports its nutrition agenda through agricultural policies, the public distribution system among others Odisha has become the first Indian state to draw up a nutrition budget in the country. The idea of a thematic budget for nutrition is a unique one in India where an inter-departmental approach is followed. Key participants in this approach include anganwadi centres, schools and health institutions. Additionally, Odisha supports its nutrition agenda through agricultural...
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