-The Hindu Rajya Sabha MP and Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi chaired the 30-member parliamentary panel that presented its voluminous report earlier this month on the Lokpal Bill 2011. The report has points of divergence with both the official Lokpal Bill draft and the Team Anna version. (The Union Cabinet on Tuesday night approved a Bill for the creation of the Lokpal with constitutional status that will have no control over the...
The Lokpal plot
-The Indian Express Shanti Bhushan — Supreme Court advocate, Team Anna member, self-appointed representative of civil society and self-anointed crusader against corruption — stares at the prospect of having to speak for himself, and his son Jayant, again. An Uttar Pradesh government audit has resurrected the controversial Noida farmhouse scheme, whereby the Bhushans, along with others, had been allotted farmhouse plots at reportedly a fraction of the market rate. The audit...
More »Key rules flouted in (Bhushans) Noida farmhouse allotments: UP govt audit by Maulshree Seth
Remember the over 100 farmhouse plots allotted in Noida measuring at least 10,000 sq m each without an auction or a draw of lots, including two to Supreme Court advocate Shanti Bhushan and his son Jayant Bhushan? An audit has now found that not only was there no transparency in the allotment of these plots — 101 in all — but that the Noida Authority had fixed a very low rate,...
More »Corruption leading to unequal access, use and distribution of land–UN report
-The United Nations Corruption caused by weak governance is leading to unequal land distribution and poor resource management, according to a United Nations report released today, which argues that this lack of transparency is undermining social stability, investment and growth in developing countries. Weak land governance occurs as a result of low levels of transparency, accountability and the rule of law, the report says, which strains “the rules, processes and institutions that...
More »A pill to cure all ill? by Nripendra Misra
One hopes that the hotly contested Lokpal Bill will reach its final denouement during the winter session of Parliament. In fact, the debate on corruption in Parliament and media has focused on the single demand for the establishment of an omnipotent institution of the lokpal with its powers of enforcing the citizen’s charter, establishing state-level lokayuktas and encompassing the bureaucracy from a peon to head of the department. It has...
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