-Scroll.in The state paid Rs 15 lakh to actor Hema Malini and Rs 10 lakh to Delhi BJP President Manoj Tiwari for their performances at the Gita Mahotsav in November 2017. The Manohar Lal Khattar government in Haryana spent Rs 3,79,500 to buy just 10 copies of the Bhagavad Gita during the International Gita Mahotsav in 2017, The Times of India reported on Tuesday. The Kurukshetra Development Board provided information about...
Rural indicators point to worsening farm distress -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com Sluggish wage growth, lower crop planting, fluctuating prices paint a dismal picture for farmers and the agriculture sector New data released by the government on rural wages, crop prices and sowing of winter crops reveals that rural distress is worsening. Planting of wheat, the main winter crop, between October and early January was 5% lower than a year ago due to lower sowing in Madhya Pradesh by close to a million hectares;...
More »Jobs Increase in 2017 - Just 0.5% -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in PM Modi - who promised to create 1 crore jobs - is supremely indifferent to this crushing crisis. In Jind district of Haryana, 8 posts of peon and one post of process server were advertised. Authorities were inundated with 14,836 applications for the former and 3662 for the latter. That’s about 2055 applicants per vacancy. Although the peon’s position required just class 10 eligibility, graduates, post graduates and even PhD...
More »Some red flags in the economy numbers: Agriculture is the most alarming -RN Bhaskar
-MoneyControl.com When agriculture’s GVA growth climbed from -0.2% in 2014-15, to 0.7% in 2015-16, everyone expected agriculture to continue doing well. This was confirmed by this growth rate further rising to 4.9% in 2016-17. But what happened now? So it is finally official. The fears that most people had kept suppressed – about India witnessing an economic slowdown – have been realised. The Central Statistical Office (CSO) came out last week with...
More »Law aiding Monsanto is reason for Delhi's annual smoke season -Arvind Kumar
-TheSundayGuardianLive.com Delhi’s problem of being covered by smoke started right after the Punjab Preservation of Subsoil Water Act in 2009, which delayed the burning of crops till late October, was implemented for the first time. Until a few years ago, when farmers in Punjab burnt the remnants of the rice crops in their fields in preparation for sowing wheat, the smoke from such fires was confined to Punjab. Back then, farmers burnt...
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