The special Lokayukta court in Bengaluru on Monday issued an arrest warrant against former Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa. The court issued the arrest warrant after Yeddyurappa failed to appear before the court on two occasions in a row. The case in question is pertaining to corruption, which was filed by advocate Sirajudin Pasha. Yeddyurappa had been arrested the last time in connection with the same case. He was, however, granted bail...
Interlink Rivers: SC asks centre to form panel to tackle drought, flood
-The Economic Times The Supreme Court has asked the government to implement the ambitious interlinking of the rivers project in a time-bound manner to tackle drought and flood in various parts of the country. The court also appointed a high-powered committee for planning and implementation of the project. A bench comprising Chief Justice SH Kapadia, Justice AK Patnaik and Justice Swatanter Kumar on Monday said the Centre and concerned state governments should...
More »Legal changes to enable separate NREGA wages by Devika Banerji
Worried at the prospect of having to match the arbitrary minimum wage rate fixed by the states, the central government is considering changes in the law to specify a separate wage norms for its flagship rural employment guarantee scheme that is undergoing a complete makeover under minister Jairam Ramesh. The centre has already contested in the Supreme Court a Karnataka High Court interim order directing it to align wage rates under...
More »Legal changes to enable separate NREGA wages by Devika Banerji
Worried at the prospect of having to match the arbitrary minimum wage rate fixed by the states, the central government is considering changes in the law to specify a separate wage norms for its flagship rural employment guarantee scheme that is undergoing a complete makeover under minister Jairam Ramesh. The centre has already contested in the Supreme Court a Karnataka High Court interim order directing it to align wage rates under...
More »Saffron projects by Vikhar Ahmed Sayeed
Hindutva continues to be the main agenda of the BJP in Karnataka, as is evident from the cattle slaughter Bill. THE Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged as the single largest party in the Assembly elections and managed to form the government in Karnataka in 2008. The electoral victory encouraged the hard-line elements in the party and organisations with Hindutva affiliation to advance their ideology in a spirited manner and stoke communal...
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