In the backdrop of climate change and other environmental challenges, Kerala announced a Rs 1000-crore 'Green Fund' for the next five years while earmarking an initial provision of Rs 100 crore in the budget for 2010-11. State Finance Minister T M Thomas Isaac, who presented the budget in the state assembly, said the fund would be utilized to take up projects to preserve natural assets like forests and promote green...
Shutters down for polluting units, says HC by Utkarsh Anand
Hundreds of polluting industrial units in Delhi are set to close shop as the Delhi High Court on Wednesday sought strict compliance of the Supreme Court ruling on closure of such units in the M C Mehta case. The move would start with polluting units in Nangloi village, and the High Court gave the Delhi government four weeks for the clean-up act. A Division Bench of acting Chief Justice Madan...
More »Indian farmers go bananas for easy irrigation by Cassie Farrell
With seven months of drought each year, Indian farmers are rarely far from disaster. Could the answer be as simple as a piece of Plastic tubing? In Maharashtra, western India, the temperature is soaring into the forties. The monsoon is over and there are months of relentless baking sunshine ahead. The fertile lands are turning into kilometre after kilometre of scorched brown earth. Farming has become almost impossibly difficult. Solitary figures...
More »Victory! New toxic-free computer released in India
This is what we like to see: a true leader in toxics-free electronics showing giants like Dell and Samsung how it's done. One of India's relatively small PC manufacturing companies, Wipro, has beaten giants like Dell, Samsung and Lenovo to the finish line in producing a computer free of the worst toxic chemicals. A major first in India, the announcement marks another success for our green erelectronics campaign in driving...
More »Hidden apartheid by S Dorairaj
A recent survey carried out by the TNUEF brings to light details of the discrimination Dalits in Madurai have faced for generations. OVER seven decades have rolled by since the freedom fighter A. Vaidhyanatha Iyer successfully led Dalits into the Meenakshi temple in Madurai, overcoming all the impediments posed by the casteist forces that were hell-bent on thwarting the historic event. But the stark reality is that “hidden apartheid” against...
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