-The Indian Express RBI said that the bulk of loan defaults, which rose from March 2017, is accounted by public sector banks which had a share of 65.32 per cent in outstanding loans to small units, down from 66.61 per cent in the previous year. Mumbai: MICRO AND small businesses continue to struggle in the wake of demonetisation and implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), with the latest RBI figures...
Pronab Sen, former Chief Statistician of India, interviewed by TCA Sharad Raghavan
-The Hindu The former Chief Statistician on calculating GDP back series, on indicators of development, and the fall of the rupee The draft of the back series GDP data, which was made public by the government recently, is unlikely to change drastically even if other methods of calculation are used, says former Chief Statistician of India, Pronab Sen. The noted economist discusses GDP, employment and poverty data; the value of the rupee;...
More »Monthly income per farm household grew between NSSO & NABARD surveys, but so has the level of outstanding loans
A recent report by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) enlightens one about the state of farmers' income and indebtedness in 2015-16. Entitled NABARD All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey 2016-17 – in short NAFIS 2016-17 – the report says that between 2012-13 and 2015-16 the average monthly income for agricultural households grew by around 39 percent. One may recall that the Key Indicators of Situation Assessment Survey...
More »NR Bhanumurthy, professor of economics at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) and author of the series presented in a report to the National Statistical Commission, interviewed by Abhishek Waghmare (Business Standard)
-Business Standard "Under the new GDP series, there has been reallocation of a few items from one sector to another, from services to manufacturing sectors" The back series data of GDP released recently by a panel of experts has evoked sharp reactions among political circles and experts. N R Bhanumurthy, professor of economics at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, and the author of the series, presented in a report...
More »ILO: Strong wage policies are key to promote inclusive growth in India
-ILO News Despite real wage growth, inequality, informality and gender wage gap persist. New Delhi: While India’s economy in the past two decades has seen an annual average GDP rate of 7 % — low pay and inequality persist according to the India Wage Report: Wage policies for decent work and inclusive growth , published by the International Labour Organization. The NSSO estimates also indicate that the real average daily wage has doubled...
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