The central government has given over Rs.217 crore to five public sector units (PSUs) for construction of rural roads in Bihar under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), the rural development ministry said Thursday. The state-run firms, which have been given these funds include the National Projects Construction Corporation Ltd (Rs.60 crore), the IRCON International Ltd (Rs.4.19 crore) and the Central Public Works Department (Rs.46.80 crore). The other two PSUs involved...
Teachers voice concerns on making RTE workable
Segregation could lead to discrimination. Grading in any private school will lead to complications. Schools cannot expel students however grave their misbehaviour... These were some concerns raised at a workshop on the Right to Education bill organized by the Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry ( FKCCI) on Monday. B Gayethri Devi, principal, Little Flower Public School, questioned: "Every school is independent and varies in its mission and...
More »Ringing the winds of change in the new Bihar by Suneha Dutta
Bihar's programme of filing RTI applications through a call center is a novel one. The question is whether the model is effiicient enough to be replicated in other states like Karnataka. If you are in Bihar, you can get electronic goods repaired, phone numbers, buy things through call centres — and also file an RTI application. Zafar Hassan has filed two applications in the past two years through call centres,...
More »How Tamil Nadu has made an incremental difference by Divya Gupta
A combination of factors led by state policy has enabled the southern State to become a notable achiever with respect to some key indicators of development. In 2001, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen recorded an eyebrow-raising fact in his book, “Development as Freedom”, that Tamil Nadu and Kerala had both achieved much faster rates of decline in fertility than China had achieved since it introduced its one-child policy. That same year, the international...
More »PDS cleaning process: More than 50,000 fake ration cards cancelled in 2009-10 by Swati Mathur
Nationwide discussions and intelligentsia offering solutions to clear the rot in the public distribution system appears to have drawn a naught in Uttar Pradesh. In March, officials from the department of food and civil supplies had acknowledged `serious flaw' in the government policy, and said that the process of issuing ration cards in the state was `too liberal'. Six months on, not much has changed in the state. According to...
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