-The Hindu Write-offs encourage defaulters, affect credit culture, Union Minister of State for Agriculture Parshottam Rupala tells Lok Sabha. On a day when the BJP’s loss in three State elections was partly attributed to rural distress and the Congress’s promise to waive farm loans, the government told the Lok Sabha that it was not considering any loan waiver scheme as it would affect the credit culture, incentivise defaulters, create a moral hazard...
She is the answer -Bina Agarwal
-The Indian Express Gender equality is key to food security. But policymakers don’t seem to recognise that Countries globally, including India, have agreed to fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), launched by the UNDP in 2016 as “a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity”. Among the 17 goals and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030, SDG 5...
More »Why small, marginal farmers get just 40% of total agri credit -Rajalakshmi Nirmal
-The Hindu Business Line Loan waivers have made banks wary of them; beneficiaries are farm infra/services firms Every year the Centre announces an increase in the agri credit limit, but not even half of this reaches small farmers. Small farmers typically take small loans — of less than Rs. 2 lakh. RBI data show that in FY17, the share of loans of Rs. 2 lakh or less was just 40 per cent of...
More »Quick fix for the farmer -Tirtha Chatterjee & Ashok Gulati
-The Indian Express In the absence of patience and vision, the loan waiver remains the most favoured response to farm distress Thousands of farmers from different parts of India marched to Delhi on November 29-30 to register their protest against the Narendra Modi government’s perceived apathy and neglect of farmers’ demands. They were basically demanding three things: One, debate in Parliament to discuss farm distress; two, one-time loan waiver; and three,...
More »MUDRA loans: Big States get a major share; smaller ones left high and dry -Radheshyam Jadhav
-The Hindu Business Line TN entrepreneurs account for 10% of loans disbursed Pune: The growth of entrepreneurship in the non–corporate small business sector (NCSB) in smaller States has not received any major boost under the Central government’s ambitious MUDRA loan scheme. Data show that States that already have higher credit–Deposit (C-D) ratios — a yardstick that indicates better access to institutional credit — are the ones reaping the benefit of the scheme. While six...
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