-The Hindu Food inflation is at a 40-month high Industrial activity contracted for the third consecutive month in October by 3.8%, driven by a fall in activity across sectors, according to official data released on Thursday. Separate data showed that retail inflation had surged to a 40-month high of 5.54% in November, driven by rising food inflation. The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) had contracted by 4.3% in September and 1.1% in...
Real rural wages plunge 3.8 per cent in September -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express The daily wage rate in rural India for male workers across 25 occupations (12 agricultural and 13 non-agricultural) averaged Rs 331.29 during September, as per field data compiled by the Labour Bureau. Real rural wages growth has fallen to an all-time-low of minus 3.8% in September, further confirming the deep structural slowdown in ‘Bharat’ that is also evidenced in sluggish fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and two-wheeler sales. The daily wage...
More »Govt awaits Labour ministry's verdict on modifying consumer price indices
-PTI On a supplementary question on when outstanding dues to Andhra Pradesh will be released, Tomar gave an assurance that no pendency of dues relating to Andhra Pradesh would remain with his ministry. The government is awaiting the Labour ministry's decision on modifying consumer price indices before linking MGNREGA wages to inflation, Rajya Sabha was informed on Friday. Replying to supplementary questions during Question Hour in the Upper House on linking of wages...
More »GDP slump will hit $5-trillion economy target, warns NITI Aayog -TCA Sharad Raghavan & Sobhana K Nair
-The Hindu The Hindu has accessed a presentation made by NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant to the Standing Committee on Finance; 12.4% growth needed to achieve the figure, Mr. Kant said. The road to a $5 trillion economy by 2025 is beset with many speed breakers, the NITI Aayog has warned the government. To begin with, the think tank has said the nominal GDP growth — a measure of growth without accounting for...
More »A greater ease of living -Amarjeet Sinha
-The Indian Express Discussions of rural poverty fail to factor in multi-dimensional changes in the sector in the last five years Rural poverty in India has been the subject of discussion in recent times. Low increase in prices of agricultural commodities and the slower increase in rural agricultural wages have been seen by some as signs of a crisis for the rural poor. Many acknowledge the role of pro-poor public welfare...
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