-The Hindu The United Progressive Alliance government has not delivered on its promise of bringing in legislation against communal violence. After initial talks, the Centre has fallen silent on the Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill which needs speedy tabling, a panel comprising drafters of the legislation said at a meeting here on Friday. “Not just the leadership, but the executive too have failed to give...
Delivering an effective RTI by Anupam Saraph
Bhausaheb R Wakchaure, Shiv Sena MP from Shirdi, has introduced a private members bill (Bill No. 70 of 2011) proposing that information requested under the (Right To Information) RTI can be denied to applicants who do not state the reason they require the information or it is the opinion of the competent authority that reasons given by the applicant are not adequate or are factually incorrect. The proposed bill will destroy...
More »Voice to Anna bill fears by Pheroze L Vincent
Two confederations that represent most Indian Christians have voiced fears that Team Anna’s version of the proposed Lokpal law will disturb the separation of powers among the three wings of democracy. In a memorandum submitted to the Centre, the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) and the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) also suggested ways to strengthen the government’s Lokpal bill, which they said was weak. The confederations said though...
More »Civil society groups slam ‘dilution’ by Govt by Annapurna Jha
Civil society groups on Tuesday came out strongly against the Centre’s draft National Food Security Bill, which has not incorporated the National Advisory Council’s suggestion for providing maternity entitlements to about 15 crore women in the informal (non-Government) sector, as in the Central Government, thereby denying food security (breast feeding) to infants. Similarly, the current legal guarantee of 'hot cooked meals' for children attending anganwadis has been diluted by providing the...
More »Aruna Roy, founder member of NCPRI and MKSS interviewed by Pamela Philipose
- Women's Feature Service These are busy days for Aruna Roy, founder member of the National Campaign for the People’s Right to Information (NCPRI) and the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS), with the Jan Lok Pal and the need to check corruption emerging as big concerns in India. The woman, who traded a promising career in the bureaucracy for an activist’s existence in 1975, is presently intensely involved in the issue. Pamela...
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