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The pulse of life -Vandana Shiva

-Deccan Chronicle Pulses are truly the pulse of life: for the soil, for people and the planet. In our farms they give life to the soil by providing nitrogen. This is how ancient cultures enriched their soils. Farming did not begin with the Green Revolution and synthetic nitrogen fertilisers. Whether it is the diversity-based systems of India, or the three sisters planted by the first nations in North America, or the...

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In The Aftermath of Rohith Vemula’s Tragic Death, We Would Do Well To Heed Thomas Piketty’s Thoughts on Inequality -Monobina Gupta Thomas Piketty's comments on inequality allude to the SAMe structures that surround Rohith Vemula's tragic death. On 21 January 2016, addressing a packed hall of students and scholars at Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University, the French economist Thomas Piketty gave a talk in which he discussed the history of taxation, inequality and capital in the twenty-first century. Superficially, Piketty’s discourse appears to be entirely distinct from another recent discourse on inequality—that...

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After the Delhi experiment -Krishna Kumar

-The Hindu Whether the memory of the odd-even experiment will inspire us to lead healthier lives depends on the willingness of the so-called aspirational classes to engage in a deeper debate on development It will take time and expertise to assess the odd-even experiment in Delhi, but there is no doubt that it was educative. It taught the government that the public is now ready to support radical measures on air pollution....

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Discrimination on the campus -Sukhadeo Thorat

-The Hindu Even as the student population has become increasingly diverse, the high incidence of suicide among Dalit students points to continuing discrimination, exclusion and humiliation. There is a need to apply our minds in a calm manner to address the problems that Dalit students face in institutions of higher education and find a more durable solution, now that the University of Hyderabad has revoked the suspension of students in the context...

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‘Nominal increase in Muslims in govt. jobs during Mamata rule’ -Shiv Sahay Singh

-The Hindu Kolkata: For all the claims of the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government about the development of minorities in West Bengal, statistics tell a different story. Data revealed by a query under the Right to Information Act (RTI) Act 2005 shows that the number of Muslims employed with the Kolkata Police has increased only by 0.3 per cent in the past eight years, of which the TMC had been at the helm...

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