Total Matching Records found : 3774

Identity enumeration and statistical systems by Sukhadeo Thorat

The system of statistical data collection in India needs reform in order to meet actual requirements.  * There is a concern that caste-tribe-religion wise data may cause them to be used for political ends * Another concern is that they may consolidate rather than reduce consciousness around identity in terms of caste and religion * These fears are not borne out by experience; if anything, the experience is to the contrary The use...

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The social question, who cares? by Jan Breman

Built into the economic dogma of growth first is the ingrained notion held by large segments of the nation's elite that the fabric of inequality is meant to remain unimpaired.  “The Challenge of Employment in India; An Informal Economy Perspective” sums up the findings of a National Commission set up in September 2004 to review the status of the unorganised/ínformal sector in India (Volume I Main Report and volume II...

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35 lakh families may figure in BPL list by NJ Nair

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: As many as 35 lakh families in the State are likely to figure in the below poverty line (BPL) list. The Centre is likely to approve the list. The process adopted by the Local Self-Government Department for identifying the families is understood to have been approved by the Centre. The system may be emulated in other States too. Time has come to initiate proceedings for the latest survey based on...

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Ban urges end to ‘scandal’ of pregnancy-related deaths

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for concerted efforts to end what he described as the “scandal” of women dying in childbirth, saying even simple clinical procedures such as clean delivery rooms and the presence of a trained midwife could greatly reduce pregnancy-related deaths. “Some simple blood tests, consultation with a doctor and qualified help at the birth itself can make a huge difference,” Mr. Ban said in an address to an...

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Women become targets in police patrols in Chhattisgarh by Aman Sethi

A series of shots rang out in the night far beyond the barricaded perimeter of the Central Reserve Police Force camp here in Chhattisgarh?s Dantewada district. For a few minutes, the sentries on duty returned fire before their guns, and the ones that sounded in the distance, fell silent. By morning, the adivasi settlements around the camp had emptied, the villagers wary of being caught and questioned by the CRPF?s morning...

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