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New Biodiversity Models Could Emerge From India: UNDP

-Outlook Hyderabad: The next generation of Biodiversity models across the world could emerge from the knowledge of existing approaches in India, a new United Nations Development Programme report said today. The UNDP report calls for adopting a "landscape approach" to bio-diversity governance which will allow a range of ecosystems and not just the smaller protected parts of it to thrive. On the basis of a detailed review of prevalent bio-diversity management models in...

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$50m for Biodiversity conservation-KV Ramana

-DNA Amid the controversy over allocation of resources for Biodiversity by developed and developing nations, India has decided to allocate $50 million (about Rs 275 crore) towards Biodiversity conservation. In addition, the country would also allocate similar amount to help other developing nations conserve Biodiversity. Addressing the representatives of about 190 countries at the opening plenary of the high-level segment of the 11th Conference of Parties (COP-11) on the Convention on Biological...

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'India May Win Patent Claims Due to Knowledge Library'

-Outlook Hyderabad: India could win 105 claims on international patents due to its Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said here today, opening the high-level segment meeting at the Conference of Parties to Convention on Biological Diversity. "We decided to build this knowledge database because of the patent on the use of neem extract in Europe and another patent on the use of turmeric as a healing agent. Since...

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On World Food Day, UN focuses on agricultural cooperatives to end global hunger

-The United Nations Amid economic crises, climatic shocks, and high and volatile food prices in a world of plenty where nearly 870 million people still go hungry, the United Nations today marked World Food Day by highlighting agricultural cooperatives as vital weapon in the war on poverty and hunger. “Owned by their members, they can generate employment, alleviate poverty, and empower poor and marginalized groups in rural areas, especially women, to drive...

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Ecology Should Be Factored-In for Food Security: UNEP

-Outlook The aim of achieving food security across the globe will become increasingly elusive unless countries take into account the planet's nature-based services into agricultural and related planning, said a report released by the United Nations Environment Programme today. Safeguarding the underlying ecological foundations that support food production, including Biodiversity will be central if the world is to feed the seven billion people, climbing to over nine billion by 2050, according to...

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