-The Indian Express The incident comes just days after a woman was refused treatment at a Community Health Centre (CHC) in Jaunpur district in UP, for not furnishing an Aadhar card or any other kind of identity proof. Gurgaon (Haryana): Denied admission for not furnishing an Aadhaar card, a woman gave birth just outside the doors of Gurgaon’s Civil Hospital Friday as a crowd looked on. Forced to leave the premises, the...
Aadhaar's $11-billion question -Jean Dreze & Reetika Khera
-The Economic Times blog Word has it that World Bank economists use “obviously fabricated” data from time to time. These are not Sitaram Yechury or Medha Patkar’s words, but those of Paul Romer, former chief economist of the World Bank, in a recent email exchange reported by Financial Times. Romer retracted them later, but this “may not end the controversy”, as The Economist mildly put it. This is not the first time...
More »Union Budget 2018-19: An exercise in jugglery of numbers, say civil society groups
-Press Release by National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) New Delhi: Calling this year’s union budget ‘just an exercise in manipulation of numbers,’ veteran activist Medha Patkar asked, “When the major decisions like the demonetisation and GST are taken between two budgets then what’s the relevance of the Budget?,” at a panel discussion on the analysis of this year’s union budget with a special focus on Handloom, Fisheries, Dalits, Adivasis, Forest,...
More »Issues of Marginalized Sections: Analysis of Union Budget 2018-19 by Delhi Solidarity Group
-Press Release by National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) The Delhi Solidarity Group (DSG) has come out with a critique of the Union Budget 2018-19. Please click here to access the report by DSG entitled: Issues of Marginalized Sections: Analysis from the perspectives of Handloom, Fisheries, Dalits, Adivasis, Forest, Agriculture, Banking and Financing, Urban Housing, Rural Development, Land & Higher Education. The following civil society organizations have contributed for the preparation...
More »Mamta Singh, Inspector-General of Police (Crime against Women) in Haryana, interviewed by Chitleen K Sethi (ThePrint.in)
-ThePrint.in IGP Mamta Singh says since most rapists are known to victims, the problem seems to be that women and their families have ‘too much faith’ in men around them. Chandigarh: Haryana has witnessed nine cases of rape in the past one week alone, raising serious questions about the competence of the police, their sensitivity to such crimes and the larger issue of the increased targeting of women in a state known...
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