-The Hindu Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh announces it will not take part in the strike. The Left affiliated central trade unions will go ahead with a nationwide strike on Friday, even as the Centre on Tuesday announced sops in a bid to placate them. The peace offering includes a hike in the minimum wage for unskilled non-agricultural workers in central public sector units from Rs. 246 to Rs. 350 a day and formation of...
CWC staff slam Mihir Shah panel report on water reforms -Amitabh Sinha
-The Indian Express The CWC has sent a strong note to Water Resources Minister Uma Bharati, complaining against the committee’s recommendations. The Employees of the Central Water Commission (CWC) have slammed the Mihir Shah panel, calling its recommendations on water reforms “conceptually flawed”, “anti-development” and something that will result in “disaster of unmatched proportions”. The seven-member expert panel, headed by Mihir Shah, former member of the erstwhile Planning Commission, was appointed by the...
More »The New Maternity Benefits Act Disregards Women in the Unorganised Sector -Neeta Lal
-TheWire.in The law will benefit only a minuscule percentage of women, while ignoring the majority who are working as contractual labour, farmers, self-employed women and housewives. New Delhi: The passage of the landmark Maternity Benefits Act 1961 by the Indian parliament, which mandates 26 weeks of paid leave for mothers as against the existing 12, has generated more heartburn than hurrahs due to its skewed nature. The law will also facilitate ‘work from...
More »How do India’s top 100 companies fare in terms of sexual harassment? -Amritha Pillay, Sachin P Mampatta and Ritika Mazumdar
-Livemint.com Reporting of sexual harassment complaints has increased from 2012-13 to 2014-15, but some sectors and smaller companies might be prone to serious under-reporting Mumbai: Last month, Tata Motors announced its decision to increase the number of women Employees on the shop floor from 6% to 20% within two years. Both private players as well as the government are making efforts to encourage more Indian women to work across sectors. A...
More »NGO staff: public servants or private citizens? -G Sampath
-The Hindu They may not need to file returns of their assets for now, but they remain under the ambit of the Lokpal Act New Delhi/ Chennai: Bowing to demands from various quarters — NGOs and political, corporate and philanthropic institutions — the Centre swiftly moved an amendment to address concerns arising from the mandatory declaration of assets and liabilities under the Lok Pal and Lokayukta Act, 2013. While the amended Act continues...
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