For the first time in five decades, Uttar Pradesh has witnessed a decline in the decadal growth rate of its population. According to the data released by the Directorate of Census Operations in Lucknow on Tuesday, the state has registered a decrease of 5.76 per cent, with its population growth coming down from 25.85 per cent in 1991-2001 to 20.09 per cent in 2001-11. However, Uttar Pradesh with its population...
JK’s sex ratio at new low by Muddasir Ali
In a disturbing trend, Jammu and Kashmir has shown a decline in the child sex ratio in 2011 Census, the figures of which would be released soon. The overall sex ratio has also gone down. While the population has been pegged at more than 1.25 crore, indicating a decadal growth of more than 23 per cent, the literacy rate has shown encouraging trends. The area of grave concern for the state would...
More »Demographer gets census right, almost by GS Mudur
Armed with a clutch of numbers, drawing on raw data as well as intelligent guesswork, Leela Visaria had six years ago generated a figure for India’s population in 2011 that is closest to what the 2011 census has actually thrown up. Visaria, a demographer at the Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR), an academic institution in Ahmedabad, had predicted that India’s population would grow to 1,204 million, just six million away...
More »Mumbai child sex ratio worsens by Makarand Gadgil
The population of India’s commercial capital is growing very slowly in the suburbs while it is shrinking in the old city, the preliminary census data on Maharashtra released on Friday shows. Meanwhile, the population of adjoining Thane district has grown explosively at 35.9% between 2001 and 2011, as expensive real estate in the city has pushed people to satellite towns such as Kalyan and Vashi in this district. The shift in people...
More »Kerala set to see fall in population growth by Tina Edwin
Call it the curse of development. Kerala seems set to experience negative rate of growth of population, much like developed Europe and Japan in the recent decades, trends visible from the provisional results of Census 2011 suggest. The state recorded its slowest decadal increase in population of 4.8% between 2001 and 2011, or a compounded average annual growth rate of 0.48%. In contrast, the population of the country as a whole...
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