-The Times of India Days after Chief Justice of India S H Kapadia said that irrelevant RTI queries were impeding the working of judges in courts, Central Information Commission said the remarks would have a significant negative impact on RTI. Information commissioner Shailesh Gandhi, in a letter to the CJI, said that his comments could "dampen the RTI journey of India". Gandhi admitted that RTI was being used in a trivial...
The road to universal health care-K Srinath Reddy and AK Shiva Kumar
Progressive strengthening of public facilities is the only way to reach medical services to the population as a whole. “The best form of providing health protection would be to change the economic system which produces ill health, and to liquidate ignorance, poverty and unemployment. The practice of each individual purchasing his own medical care does not work. It is unjust, inefficient, wasteful and completely outmoded ... In our highly geared, modern...
More »Starving in India: Surviving on Toxic Roots-Ashwin Parulkar
HINDIYANKALAN, India – One afternoon last November, 10 people in this eastern Indian village sat in a circle on a dirt road and told us about their fight against hunger. We wanted to know: What would drive a person to eat a poisoned root? I was on a research assignment with my colleague Ankita Aggarwal from the Centre for Equity Studies, a New Delhi think tank. It was part of a...
More »On the Recent Poverty Estimates-Himanshu
An unnecessary controversy has been started by the release of the poverty estimates of 2009-10 by the planning commission. The controversy, which was entirely avoidable, was allowed to go on because of the poor handling of the issue by the planning commission. It is unfortunate that the planning commission was less than willing to own the Tendulkar committee report which was submitted in December 2009 and accepted by the commission...
More »US, UK evince interest in Bihar growth story-Faizan Ahmad
With the Nitish-led NDA government firmly in the saddle in the state, with not even an iota of political instability, world powers have started taking keen interest in Bihar's progress and exploring opportunities for possible investment. In the past less than 12 hours, highly-placed representatives of the US and the UK called on the chief minister and praised him for the positive developments in the state. US undersecretary of state for political...
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