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Survey shows 42% have no Ration left for the day, let alone duRation of lockdown -Seema Chishti

-The Indian Express/ PTI The immediate relief that migrant workers wanted was Rations, then a promise of monthly support. About 83 per cent of them worried that they would not be able to find work at the end of the shutdown. New Delhi: A survey of 3,196 migrant construction workers whose livelihood has been disrupted after the announcement of the 21-day lockdown over COVID-19 paints a dismal picture of migrant lives, especially...

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Utilise FCI stock for those who have Ration cards and those who don’t -Siraj Hussain and Ajit Ranade

-The Indian Express The states must engage NGOs, factories and charities including religious organisations to raise funds for meeting the expenditure on milk, eggs, cooking oil and vegetables, and even soaps and sanitisers. Nearly one-fifth of India’s labour force consists of internal migrants. As per the 2011 census, a quarter of the urban population consists of migrants. These tend to be predominantly male, from the less developed northern states, in the lower...

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So far, no solid steps undertaken to double PDS Rations in Jharkhand during lockdown, alleges Right to Food Campaign state chapter

-Press release by Right to Food Campaign Jharkhand dated 6th April, 2020 The government of Jharkhand has announced, as part of its relief measures, that eligible households left out of the public distribution system (PDS) would receive 10 kg of foodgrain if they have applied for a Ration card. An impression has been created that this would be 10 kg per month. In fact, none of this is happening. Instead, mukhiyas (gram...

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Fighting Covid Will Be a Long Haul but Normal Life Does Not Need to be Kept on Hold -Prem Shankar Jha Before it is eradicated, the novel coronavirus can be tamed, but this will require the rapid implementation of an action plan that is humane, Rational – and unafraid of the fiscal beancounters. It’s too late. The COVID-19 horse has bolted and closing the barn doors now will not bring it back. Despite Narendra Modi’s all-India lockdown, the number of people testing positive for the virus has risen sharply during the past...

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COVID-19: Delhi PDS Shops Shut, Owners Say Lack of Supplies Owners State Lack of Supplies -Sumedha Pal A survey conducted of Ration shops in Delhi reveals loopholes in the public distribution system as many continue to starve. Despite government announcements and civil society aid, food security continues to remain a problem for the poor in Delhi. Many continue to starve amid the 21-day lockdown imposed to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus. Although the Delhi government has announced measures for the supply of food grains to the poor,...

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