-The Hindu The CEO of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana on the challenges and scope of the scheme and responses from the States Indu Bhushan is the CEO of the world’s largest government-funded health insurance scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY), which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 23. Until his appointment as CEO of PM-JAY, Mr. Bhushan served as director general for the East Asia...
What Is Affecting the Performance of the Public Sector? -Kiran Bhatty and Dipa Sinha
-TheWire.in Most of the ‘reforms’ that are being introduced to address poor delivery of social services are silent on the issue of inadequate human resources, among other shortfalls in capacity. The poor performance of the public sector especially in education, health and other social services has been the subject of a lot of debates in the last few decades. The dominant narrative has attributed implementation failures to corruption, lack of accountability, poor...
More »No small change this -TV Jayan
-The Hindu Business Line Roy tracks how microfinance, despite its blemishes, has empowered the unbanked in the country For the poor in rural India, till not very long ago, credit meant the unscrupulous mahajans who roamed the villages with wads of cash. Dime a dozen Bollywood movies had depicted the wily moneylender who not just ripped off the hapless creditors, but who was also cruel enough to grab their movable and immovable...
More »The spirit of mahua -Diya Kohli
-Livemint.com The production of ‘mahua’ is finally entering the formal economy as new initiatives seek to upscale this indigenous drink, selling it across the country and even the globe It is a cloudy morning in Nangur village in Bastar district, Chattisgarh. It is a settlement of a little over 400 families, considered fairly large in these parts. We make a bumpy journey down a narrow, unpaved road intermittently shaded by sargi (sal)...
More »No record of houses, Telangana told to return Rs 190 cr -Aman Sharma
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The Centre, in an unprecedented move, has asked the Telangana government to return Rs 190 crore which was given to the state in 2016-17 for building rural houses for the poor under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY). This comes after the K Chandrashekar Rao-ruled state has refused to update the Centre of its progress on implementing the scheme. A target of building 70,674 houses was allotted...
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