Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan made the plea following farmers' protest Go-ahead for export of 3 non-basmati varieties Onion prices as low as Rs. 4-5 a kg in Maharashtra Union Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma on Friday said the government was actively considering a request from Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan to lift the ban on export of onions whose prices crashed last week triggering farmers' protest. In a related development, the government...
Predatory EU pacts by Latha Jishnu
EU is pushing India and Canada to sign free trade agreements that will hurt their generic drugs—and the outrage is global After months of prevarication, the European Union has stated publicly that the free trade agreement (FTA) it signs with India will include provisions for data exclusivity because “it is extremely important for research and innovation’’. That’s what European Union ambassador Daniele Smadja told journalists in Delhi on January 21. Smadja’s...
More »Rising Food Prices May Not Signal New Crisis by Aprille Muscara
As food prices rose for the seventh month in a row in January, contributing to recent popular unrest in the Middle East and a spike in commodities purchases by developing countries last week, some analysts are quick to make comparisons to the dry years of 2007-2008. But others warn against panic and oversimplified predictions of an impending food crisis, which contribute to price volatility. "It is important to underline – and we've...
More »Common concerns by Latha Jishnu
As the commons come under increasing assault, academics, practitioners and policymakers come together to devise ways to protect shared resources On a cold January night in Hyderabad, a fortnight ago, Jairam Ramesh, Minister for Environment and Forests, was led to an open-air dinner by folk drummers and body-painted tiger dancers as an appreciative audience of international academics and grassroots workers cheered and milled around him. Ramesh had become the toast of...
More »Forest rights act under scrutiny by Kumar Sambhav S
THE Union government is reviewing its landmark initiative, the Forest Rights Act, four years after enacting it. The aim is to find how to strengthen the law which was legislated to ensure the traditional rights of 100 million forest dwelling people in the country. Two high-level groups submitted their assessment in the first week of January. But it seems the Union ministry of environment and forests has made up its mind...
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