-PTI Swinging into action a day after filing an FIR against former Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa in connection with illegal mining, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officials on Wednesday conducted simultaneous raids at the senior BJP leader’s residences here and in some other places in the state. A joint team of CBI officials from Hyderabad and Bangalore also raided residences of Mr. Yeddyurappa’s sons B Y Raghavendra, MP, and B...
Protests in US over high pricing of Novartis' anti-cancer drug Glivec-Divya Rajagopal
Health activists and cancer patients in the US have pounced on Swiss drug multinational Novartis for the high price of its famous, multi-billion dollar anti-cancer drug Glivec, a development which challenges pharma MNCs' claims of cheap access and affordability for patented drugs. Such protests, which began first in Europe, and have now spread to the US, could make it more difficult for pharma MNCs in developing countries to convince sceptical governments...
More »In India, an Inflation Dilemma -Anant Vijay Kala
Inflation in India rose above expectations in April, making life difficult for the nation's central bank as it tries to revive an economy facing increased stagflation risks. The Reserve Bank of India last month cut its policy rate for the first time in three years to boost sagging growth. But inflation has remained stubbornly high, raising concerns the economy may be facing a nightmare scenario of slowing growth and rising prices. On...
More »Inflation surges 7.23% in April
-The Indian Express India's wholesale price inflation accelerated 7.23% in April, compared with 6.89% in the previous month, as food and manufactured items turned dearer, heaping pressure on the central bank against any dovish approach to monetary easing despite shrinking economic activity. The government has revised up the inflation figure for February to 7.36% from 6.95% estimated earlier, according to the data released by the industry ministry on Monday. Prices of food articles...
More »Study Shows Unique ID’s Reach to India’s Poor-Amol Sharma
When India embarked on its “unique ID” project in the fall of 2010, pledging to distribute unique 12-digit numbers to 1.2 billion people, the hope was that hundreds of millions of Indians who don’t have a passport, driver’s license or other credible identity document would get one – and with it, a ticket to essential government and private sector services. A new survey led by Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New...
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