Social activist Swami Agnivesh phoned Chhattisgarh chief minister Raman Singh, briefed him on his travel plans, and then embarked on a trip to the three villages allegedly burnt by the police in Dantewada. But he still could not get there. Along with his co-travellers, two teachers of 'Art of Living', he was physically obstructed and abused by a crowd on Saturday morning at Dornapal town, roughly 50 kilometres short of the...
SPOs assault truck owner for delivering rations to Dantewada villages by Aman Sethi
One officer allegedly beat him with rifle butt, accusing him of sending food to Maoists Two days after The Hindu reported that security forces burnt down close to 300 homes and granaries in three villages of Chhattisgarh's violence-wracked Dantewada district, Special Police Officers (SPOs) assaulted a truck owner for delivering emergency rations to these villages. According to eyewitness reports, Koya commandos (tribal police corps), during a five-day anti-Maoist offensive from March 11...
More »Swami Agnivesh, journalists attacked in Dantewada by Aman Sethi
Collector, Senior Superintendent of Police transferred following reports of torching of villages A large group comprising Special Police Officers (SPOs) of the Chhattisgarh police and members of the Salwa Judum attacked social activist Swami Agnivesh on Saturday as he attempted to deliver relief to a village allegedly torched by security forces in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district. On March 23, The Hindu published reports and photographs alleging that SPOs had torched about 300 homes,...
More »Sonia backs food G8 by Radhika Ramaseshan
The National Advisory Council today won a victory over the government with Sonia Gandhi stressing the inclusion of eight “highly vulnerable” groups among the priority beneficiaries of the food security bill. Sources said the rural development ministry, headed by Vilasrao Deshmukh, had been resisting the panel’s recommendation for a new category of households that are “highly vulnerable to food insecurity”. The eight groups identified by Sonia are: “Particularly vulnerable” tribal groups; Mahadalits; Households headed by...
More »Oppressor's case by TK Rajalakshmi
Women's organisations rise up against a petition that seeks an amendment to Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code. A PETITION that alleges the misuse of Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code, which has been admitted by the Rajya Sabha Committee on Petitions, has become an object of concern among leading women's organisations in the country. The petition claims that the law, dealing with dowry-related torture and acute domestic...
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