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Basu pitches for FDI in multi-brand retail to tame inflation

-The Business Standard   Concerned over rising inflation, the Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) today suggested opening up multi-brand retail to foreign investors and changes in agriculture marketing laws to check the rate of price rise. “We are taking a clear position on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail. Of course, it is a recommendation, not policy,” said chief economic advisor and IMG chairman Kaushik Basu. The IMG, he added, favours formulation of a...

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Mamata in power, ADB willing to fund projects in West Bengal by Atmadip Ray

International fund floodgates that stayed locked during the Left front regime are now opening up for Mamata Benerjee. Latest in the "parivartan" syndrome is the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which has given the green signal to go along with one of the state's most ambitious roadway projects - the 271 km express corridor connecting North and South Bengal. It is a Rs2,270 crore project, which World Bank had refused to fund in...

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“Free healthcare for pregnant women, infants” by Aarti Dhar

In a bid to improve the maternal and infant mortality in the country, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has decided to provide free nutritious food, treatment, and transportation to all pregnant women who go to government facilities for delivery. Free healthcare services will also be provided to the newborns, as and when required. To be launched on June 1 from Mewat, Haryana, the scheme will be applicable for...

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Make food subsidy self-selecting by Subir Roy

The management of food and poverty in India is getting increasingly unreal. On the one hand, the country has a bumper harvest with every likelihood of the grain mountain to be procured adding to the existing mountain of official stocks. Without adequate storage space, a not-so-insignificant part of it will rot and go to waste. On the other hand, the government will not allow wheat exports until it is clear...

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New Internet rules: Govt asks why critics were silent on draft

-The Deccan Herald   Under flak for the new Internet rules which are being interpreted as an attack on privacy of a user, the government while clarifying the rules questioned the why critics were silent when the draft rules were opened for public opinion. R Chandrashekhar, Secretary in the Department of Information Technology, in an interaction with PTI said views from all stakeholders were taken and the best practices prevalent globally were incorporated...

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