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Only 49 days of work under MGNREGS a record: Chaudhury Birender Singh -Elizabeth Roche Report says only 10.1% of the total households that had been provided employment had been able to complete 100 days of work as stipulated by the MGNREGA New Delhi: The rural job guarantee programme provided only 49 days of work on an average across the country in 2015-16 when drought in several states affected farm output and crimped income. Rural development minister Chaudhary Birender Singh, though, highlighted this number as a...

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Why Rains Do Not End Drought And What The Government Needs To Do Urgently -Betwa Sharma

-Huffington Post NEW DELHI: It is still not certain whether the monsoons will be as "good" this year as early forecasts suggest, but at least the rains are here and are making their way across India, bringing long-awaited and direly needed succor to millions in 13 drought-ravaged states. It comes as a massive relief that people in the worst-hit areas will have water to drink and so will their animals who...

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The drought you didn't hear about: Villagers in Gujarat know a good monsoon won’t bail them out -Aarefa Johari The government is calling it 'semi-scarcity'. In barren Saurashtra, Farmers say that water promised to them from the Narmada project has not been reliable. For almost three years, bathing has been a luxury for Manjuben Jhala. The 50-year-old dairy farmer from Sowarada village has spent all her summer days herding cattle across the barren landscape of Gujarat’s Jamnagar district, in search of fodder and a few scoops of water for her frail...

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‘Even 3 good monsoons can’t end drought’

-The Times of India New Delhi: Veteran journalist P Sainath has made a strong demand for declaring agriculture a public service. He also believes there needs to be a special session of Parliament to discuss the farmer crisis and the decade-old report of National Commission of Farmers chaired by professor M S Swaminathan. The author of Everybody Loves A Good Drought delivered the inaugural lecture of a monthly lecture series planned by...

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Brexit effect: Indian lady’s finger may go missing from British platter -Jayashree Bhosale

-The Economic Times PUNE: Indian bhindi is an increasingly popular 'exotic' vegetable in multi culti Britain. It is also a vegetable whose exports from India have consistently grown brining good returns to Farmers. However, exporters now fear a decline in demand for Indian vegetables like baby corn, chillies etc from non-Indians in UK, as the local food is likely to become expensive due to exchange rate related issues after Brexit. Traders and...

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