Total Matching Records found : 9389

Birth certificate single mom's right

-The Telegraph New Delhi: When a single woman or unwed mother applies for her child's birth certificate, it must be issued on the basis of her affidavit and without insisting that she disclose the name of the father, the Supreme Court ruled today. The court also held that an unwed Christian mother could assume the guardianship of her child without issuing prior notice to the father for permission as laid down in...

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For a rational education debate -Rohit Dhankar

-The Hindu If Maharashtra is trying to identify children who are not getting educated, as per RTE, it has to include those children who are not studying the core subjects, be they in a madrasa, Vedic pathshala or any other religious or community school Maharashtra’s recent decision to conduct a survey of what it calls “non-school going children” seems to have created a storm. Political parties are now up in arms calling...

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Nudge to tweak TB treatment rules -GS Mudur

-The Telegraph New Delhi: India could prevent on average 18,000 people from developing multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis every year over the next decade if the Health ministry accelerates proposed changes in TB diagnosis and treatment policies, public Health experts have said. A study by the Health ministry's TB division has estimated that India could avert 180,000 cases of MDR-TB between 2015 and 2025 if most patients who seek government treatment are tested for MDR-TB...

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The UN Report on Out-of-School Kids is Bad News for India. The Real Picture May Be Worse -Kiran Bhatty   The newly released UNESCO e-atlas on out-of-school children (OOSC) provides worrying evidence not only of the low priority being accorded to basic education across developing countries, but also by the developed world in terms of the aid given to education. As many as 124 million children and adolescents worldwide are out of school, 17.7 million – or 14 per cent – of whom are Indian. The rise in the number...

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Government forms panel to examine UNICEF's child survey report

-PTI New Delhi: Under fire for holding back state- wise findings of UNICEF's Rapid Survey on Children, the Women and Child Development Ministry has constituted a committee to examine the report following differences of opinion over the survey methodology. The committee, which is likely to submit its report within a week, includes officials from the ministries of Health and Family Welfare, and Statistics and Programme Implementation. It will work upon to reach...

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