As body count due to Delhi riots (some call it pogrom) rise above 45, it is essential to look at the official data related to communal incidents in the country. It is from the annual report of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA), one gets information about the number of communal incidents in different years, apart from the number of persons injured and killed in those incidents. There is one...
Economists’ and Social Scientists’ Statement on Necessary Delinking of NPR and Census 2021 We are economists and social scientists who are deeply concerned about the major implications for the Indian statistical system, of the attempt to combine data collection for the 2021 Census of India with that for the proposed National Population Register. The Census of India, which provides a basic household and population listing based on anonymous data, is an essential requirement for the country and provides the statistical basis for all assessments...
More »Freedom in the World 2020 report ranks India among least free democracies
-The Hindu BJP Government’s “alarming” policies draw comparisons with Chinese repression India has become one of the world’s least free democracies, according to a global survey, which warned that “the Indian Government’s alarming departures from democratic norms under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) could blur the values-based distinction between Beijing and New Delhi.” The Freedom in the World 2020 report ranks India at the 83rd position, along with Timor-Leste and...
More »Govt Spent Most 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' Funds on Advertisements Government spending on advertisements has used up between 65% and 91% of the scheme's funds since 2016. New Delhi: The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) on Thursday admitted that a majority of funds allocated to the much-touted Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme was spent on advertisements instead of any concrete work. Ever since the scheme was launched in 2015, prime minister Narendra Modi has sought to highlight his...
More »Orissa sees potential in ‘nutrition education on wheel’ model -Narayani Rajashree Kanungo Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) is negotiating with women collectives of the state to replicate mobile teaching kitchen model to impart nutrition education. The response is encouraging… The problem of malnutrition in Odisha is complex, and therefore, requires a multidimensional approach. Various central and state-run schemes are striving to address nutrition issues among sizeable vulnerable population. Odisha Millets Mission (OMM), a Government of Odisha intervention, is striving to do this by linking...
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