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Paddy procured from dead, landless Farmers Balasore: Thousands of quintals of kharif paddy were reportedly procured from deceased and landless Farmers through Kasipada Cooperative Society in this district in 2015-16 due to an unholy nexus between civil supplies officials, cooperative officials and millers. According to a report, some cooperative staff had engaged agents, who purchased paddy from Farmers for Rs 700 to Rs 800 per quintal. The procured paddy was subsequently sold to the government through the...

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Does good monsoon mean big consumption boost? -Mayank Mishra

-Business Standard FY10 was a drought year with a monsoon rainfall deficiency of 22 per cent of the 50-year average, resulting in a seven per cent dip in the total foodgrains production. But, that did not dampen the consumer sentiment as the auto sector grew by 26 per cent, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) 25 per cent and the consumer durables sector by 21 per cent. The momentum continued the following year,...

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Farmers’ suffering: Here’s how to mitigate pain -Jaithirth Rao

-The Financial Express The previous government gave in to Luddite, anti-development NGOs and deferred the introduction of GM food crops in our country. The present government seems to be held in thrall by an unusual coalition of nativists and leftists. In the process, the Indian farmer is suffering. It appears that, for several years now, we have been importing edible oil derived from GM oilseeds. The oil importers lobby are OK...

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Centre plans alternative to Bt cotton -Jacob Koshy

-The Hindu To develop genes that can be integrated into traditional varieties for larger outputs The Union government is working to develop a suite of Bt cotton genes that can be integrated into traditional varieties and be made available to Farmers as a viable alternative to the current technology, which is largely sourced from Mahyco Monsanto Biotech India Ltd. (MMB). The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has for many years unsuccessfully tried to...

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Yogendra Yadav, political scientist and co-founder of non-profit Swaraj Abhiyan, speaks to Livemint New Delhi: Back from a walk through drought-affected parts of the country, Yogendra Yadav, political scientist and co-founder of non-profit Swaraj Abhiyan, speaks on state compliance of Supreme Court orders, a booming private water market in Marathwada, and why farmer movements are weakest at a time when agrarian distress is at its peak. Edited excerpts from an interview: * You just came back from a trip to Bundelkhand and Marathwada. What...

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