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West Bengal transport minister calls cycle ban in Kolkata illegal -Sayantan Bera

-Down to Earth State government yet to revoke ban on non-motorised transport despite repeated protests, calls from civil society and advisory from Union Ministry of Urban Development "I have been fined three times this month while delivering milk," says an angry Omkar Mandal. For over two decades now, Mandal has been cycling about 10 km every day to pick up and deliver milk. "Each time I have to pay Rs 120. How...

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Organised Marginalisation-Neha Dixit How malnutrition and death have gripped the tribals of Attappadi in Kerala after land alienation in 1996. Neha Dixit reports. Last month, E. K. Bhushan, Kerala Chief Secretary informed the tribal people of Attappadi Hills that they are now entitled to restore 530 hectares of land in the area. This is out of the roughly 4370 hectares of land that was alienated from the tribals after the Tribal Land Amendment Act...

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A punitive sexual security apparatus-Ratna Kapur

-The Hindu     While the definition of rape is now expanded, the new enactment has taken us dangerously in the direction of a sexual security regime than toward more rights A year after the gruesome gang rape and murder of the young woman on the streets of Delhi comes a moment to pause and reflect on the gains and losses that triggered the response to this event and several others involving issues of...

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Schools oppose nursery norms, may move court -Manash Pratim Gohain

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Delhi's private schools geared up to challenge the new guidelines for nursery admissions, with nearly every association holding meetings on Thursday in which they decided to first write to Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung asking for changes and, if need be, take the issue to court. Under the new norms, all discretionary powers, including a 20% management quota, have been taken away from schools, who now have...

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Ground report from Muzaffarnagar: Cruel winter in camp of no hope -Avijit Ghosh & Rakhi Chakrabarty

-The Times of India Days after Akhilesh Yadav urged the media "to go and assess... at the ground level yourself", TOI visited a relief camp for the Muzaffarnagar riot-hit and found the conditions as wretched as before SC's rap to the UP govt for the dismal conditions LOI (Muzaffarnagar): Life is cheap at the riot victims' camp here. In the past weeks, 11 children have died here; 74 pregnant women, 24 in...

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