Total Matching Records found : 4085

Monsoon misery by TS Subramanian

Tamil Nadu: The north-east monsoon, 50 per cent in excess in the State, claims over 200 lives and destroys crops and infrastructure.A SERIES of weather systems, including a cyclone that missed Chennai narrowly, saw the skies open up over Tamil Nadu between November 4 and December 5, the period when the north-east monsoon is most active. Most of the 561 mm of rainfall that the State received between October 1...

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Crop loss claims lives of 8 farmers

Worried over crop losses and mounting loans, two farmers committed suicide and four others died of shock in the state in the last 24 hours. Apparao, 55, consumed pesticide at his residence in Kapuumilada village in Santabommali mandal of Srikakulam on Tuesday. He was depressed after his three-acre crop was Damaged in the rains. He took the land on lease and cultivated paddy. V Krishna Murthy, 52, a marginal farmer of Vanjagi...

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Vidarbha farmer suicides still average over one a day by Sanjay Jog

Suicides of despairing farmers continue in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, despite the claimed implementation of the Rs 3,000-crore Prime Minister’s package and a Rs 1,000-crore package of the state government.Official data released last week show 45 suicides still take place every month. In the past 10 years, a total of 4,427 suicides took place in five districts. After an official loan-waiver scheme was supposed to have taken effect, 919...

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Maharashtra—chronicle of a death foretold? by Ranjona Banerji

Over the past two decades, Maharashtra’s leaders and caretakers have carefully steered it from being India’s most progressive and forward-looking state to lying on the verge of becoming one of India’s most backward.This is no mean achievement. Mumbai, as is well known, contributes close to 40% of the nation’s direct taxes. In 2003-2004, Maharashtra’s net state domestic product was second only to Haryana’s and the gross domestic product was 13%...

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Bengal sits on student benefits by Basant Kumar Mohanty

The Bengal government could have ensured a monthly scholarship of Rs 500 for nearly 22,000 poor schoolchildren in the state over the past three years, without any Damage to its own pocket. Instead, it chose to help just about 3,000 get the scholarship.The National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship, launched in 2008-09, looks to benefit about one lakh Class IX students every year. The State Bank of India pays the entire sum, which...

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