-Newsclick.in On February 12, National General Secretary of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Ram Madhav tweeted in celebration – “US classifies India as developed nation” – drawing close to 13,000 likes. Madhav had shared a link of micro news platform Inshorts, same as Dr Swapneil Mantri who identifies as the state coordinator and social media head, BJP doctor cell Maharashtra. Mantri used the hashtag #PositiveNews. Please click here to read more. ...
Don't know who are 'Urban Naxals': Govt replies to RTI query -Ashok Upadhyay
-IndiaToday.in Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and many senior members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have used the term 'Urban Naxals' in public speeches to attack their opponents. The Left Wing Extremism Division in the Union Home Ministry does not have any information on who are 'Urban Naxals' and where do they operate. This was revealed in an RTI application filed India Today TV. This comes close on...
More »MGNREGA allocation slashed by Rs. 9,500 crore in the Union Budget 2020-21, allege Right to Work activists
-Press release by Peoples' Action for Employment Guarantee dated 1 February, 2020 The Peoples’ Action for Employment Guarantee is distressed to note the total lack of responsibility and sensitivity accorded by the Union Budget 2020-21 to the rural economy in General, and MGNREGA in particular. It is telling and obviously callous that the Budget estimate for this year at Rs. 61,500 crores is Rs. 9,500 crores less than the revised estimate...
More »Refrain within BJP: Economy big worry, may spill onto streets -Ravish Tiwari
-The Indian Express The BJP leaders, however, said they hope the Budget may be able to instill some confidence and arrest the current downward slide. While the BJP has publicly ratcheted up heat against CAA-NPR-NRC protests with an eye on Delhi elections, several responsible functionaries within the party and the government privately acknowledge that economic slowdown as the real concern. “The biggest fear is if growth doesn’t pick up, it will spill onto...
More »For the rural poor, a manufactured crisis -Rajendran Narayanan
-The Hindu Instead of focusing on increasing rural wages, the BJP-led government is wasting resources on the NPR and NRC The National Population Register (NPR) and a possible National Register of Citizens (NRC), which will unleash a humanitarian crisis, are being pushed at a time when rural distress is acute. With the Budget due soon, let’s look at how the BJP-led government has served the interests of the rural poor. A grim picture The...
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