-TheWire.in In 2016-17, pending payments under the employment scheme in the state amounted to a whopping Rs 5,571 crore. Tiravur, Tamil Nadu: “I could kill someone,” said Janaki Chinarasu in early June at her home in Tiruvarur, protecting her forehead from the heat with her hands askew. “It’s like the sun god has conspired with the rain god to punish us.” Chinarasu is a frail, strong-witted woman with a five-year-old on her lap...
Why ABBA must go: on Aadhaar -Reetika Khera
-The Hindu Aadhaar-based Biometric Authentication does nothing in the battle against graft — there are better alternatives In a sickening way, October 2017 was like October 2002. Fifteen years ago, in Rajasthan’s Baran and Udaipur districts, there was a spate of starvation deaths. The government of the time made up fanciful stories to deny that the deaths had anything to do with hunger or government failure. In October 2017, the death of an 11-year-old...
More »Denial of MGNREGA entitlements continues in blatant violation of Supreme Court orders
-Press release from NREGA Sangharsh Morcha The Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by Swaraj Abhiyan in the Supreme Court on the severe drought conditions in the country had drawn the attention of the Court to the inadequate effort of the Central and state governments in implementing the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), amongst other welfare programmes. In its last judgment on issues of MGNREGA workers on 13 May...
More »Demolition, by Manmohan -Sanjay K Jha
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Manmohan Singh, once nicknamed Maunmohan by Narendra Modi, has delivered the most comprehensive and stringent critique yet of the Prime Minister and his governance, declaring failure with "both the head and the heart". Citing statistics but taking care to throw in personal elements and a historical perspective in the run-up to the demonetisation anniversary, the former Prime Minister strafed his successor from multiple flanks. But the economist kept the...
More »Wages worth Rs 3,066 crore unpaid under MGNREGS in 19 states -Jitendra
-Down to Earth Even after an order by the Supreme Court, the government has not released the payments The flagship scheme for rural employment generation, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), is facing severe fund crunch this year, resulting in unpaid dues of Rs 3,066 crore in wage payments in 19 states. Around 87 per cent of the scheme’s budget for this year has already by exhausted. A civil...
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