Total Matching Records found : 1057

Long Way to Go

-Economic and Political Weekly NFHS-4 data shows improvements in health status, yet serious concerns remain. Data on India’s health status ought to inform policy. Unfortunately, this does not always follow. After a gap of 10 years, data from the fourth round of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) was released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Like the previous Surveys of 2005–06, 1998–99 and 1992–93, NFHS-4 provides information on demographic,...

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Vulnerable tribes: lost in a classification trap -Shiv Sahay Singh

-The Hindu A recent Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI) publication has brought to the fore startling revelations about the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in the country inc- luding the fact that no base line Surveys have been conducted among more than half of such groups. “Our findings revealed shocking facts, of the 75 PVTGs, base line Surveys exists for about 40 groups, even after declaring them as PVTGs,” states the publication:...

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From being world leader in Surveys, India is now facing a serious data problem -Abhijit V Banerjee, Pranab Bardhan, Rohini Somanathan & TN Srinivasan

-The Economic Times blog In December 1956, Zhou En Lai, the Chinese premier and, after Mao, the second mostpowerful man in China, created much consternation by refusing to leave his meeting at the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) office at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) in Kolkata. He was talking to Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis, the founder of the institute, and one of the pioneers in the field of survey methods. Zhou was...

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Job creation is a major challenge before the govt.

Promises are made to be broken. In its 2014 Lok Sabha election manifesto, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) made the promise that if it is elected to the Centre, it will then accord a high priority to job creation and opportunities for entrepreneurship, among other things. But latest data on unemployment shared by the BJP MP Shri Bandaru Dattatreya in written form while replying to an unstarred question in the...

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India's data collectors have a number problem as national survey office faces staff crunch - Samarth Bansal

-Hindustan Times The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) is facing a shortage of investigators for conducting Surveys, a response to an RTI filed by Hindustan Times revealed, raising questions about the quality of data being generated from these Surveys. The field operations division of the NSSO, which is responsible for collecting primary data, has around 24% of positions vacant for the posts of junior and senior statistical officers. Data from NSSO is central...

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