-BBC When Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his Independence Day speech, vowed to eliminate open defecation, India took notice. After all, it was unusual for a prime minister to use the bully pulpit in India to exhort people to end this appalling practice and build more toilets. A staggering 70% of Indians living in villages - or some 550 million people - defecate in the open. Even 13% of urban households do so....
‘Nearly half of world’s older people do not get pension’
-The Hindu Business Line On the day a ₹ 1,000/month minimum pension scheme was launched in India, an ILO policy paper report said that close to half (48 per cent) of people over pensionable age in the world do not receive a pension. And those who do get a pension, do not receive an adequate amount to cover for their health, and old age-related problems. "As a result, the majority of the...
More »A food system for the future -Paul Polman & Marc Van Ameringen
-The Hindu The world cannot afford to talk about hunger without addressing climate change, food production without sustainability or growth without good nutrition With the world's population predicted to reach 9 billion by 2050, we collectively face a dual challenge: ensuring that everyone will have access to affordable, nutritious food without decimating the earth's natural resources in the process. This is easier said than done. Our current food system is dysfunctional both...
More »Suicide prevention a health priority: Health Minister
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan has expressed grief over the national loss in valuable human resources which is owed to the rising tendency of young people to commit suicide when facing seemingly unconquerable adversity. Inaugurating a mass contact programme in Thrissur, Kerala, today to conscientise the general public about the increasing rate of suicides, Dr Harsh Vardhan said, "The mounting incidence of...
More »India made progress in fighting child deaths, malnutrition, but short of goals: UN
-IANS UNITED NATIONS: India has made progress on the twin fronts of reducing hunger and child mortality but is still short of development goals, two international reports say. Fewer Indian children under five are dying, with infant mortality rate coming down from 126 per 1,000 in 1990 to 53 last year, a UN report released in New York said. And according to a Food and Agriculture Organisation report released in Rome, between...
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