RTI activist Ramesh Agarwal has been arrested and chained to a hospital bed Chhattisgarh's Raigarh after a complaint by business group, the Jindals. Agarwal was arrested on May 28 by Chhatisgarh Police based on a complaint filed by the Jindals. Photographs available with CNN-IBN clearly show that Ramesh has been handcuffed. Agarwal is apparently paying the price for being a whistleblower as he had written to Union Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh...
Crop losses rising as nearly 40% of pesticides spurious : ICAR
-The Financial Express THE rising sale of spurious pesticides in the country is resulting in crop damage, top agricultural scientists said on Wednesday. S Ayyappan, director general, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), said around 40% of pesticides used in the country is spurious. “Research and development needs to be given a boost in this field (pesticides) and for this the main participation should come from the private sector, and a...
More »Coal smuggling engulfs job scheme by NK Agarwal
Who cares for a paltry Rs 100 per day clean pay from the government. If you are dealing in coal, a little more black in your pockets couldn't hurt. Job schemes under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) in Ramgarh district are floundering as labourers prefer to ferry coal for illegal traders, fetching them at least four times more wages. "I have no interest in job schemes initiated...
More »Violations May Hit Vaccination Plans by Ranjit Devraj
After a government report confirmed major ethical violations in trials of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccines on Indian schoolgirls, senior doctors are calling for transparency in clinical trials conducted under private-public partnerships. The report is yet to be placed in the public domain, but its contents were revealed early May by senior doctors who assisted in its preparation, sparking outrage among public health advocates and women’s rights groups. HPV is an umbrella...
More »Chhattisgarh govt shields tainted IAS officer by Hemender Sharma
The Chhattisgarh government has been exposed for shielding IAS officer Babulal Agarwal, who is worth Rs 253 crores, with 473 bank accounts. He owns 30 companies, set up in the last 11 years and has a life insurance policy worth Rs 85 lakh in his son's name. He was raided by the vigilance department in February last year, suspended and then reinstated. Agarwal is now serving as the Secretary, Corporation, in the Chhattisgarh...
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