-The Indian Express Prime Minister Narendra Modi has directed the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to ensure "universal coverage" under Aadhaar by June 2015. According to government officials, the PM set the deadline at a high-level meeting chaired by him in the first week of September. The target was reiterated in the minutes of the meeting circulated to all the concerned departments. Directions have also been issued to the Registrar General...
Making it work -Shamika Ravi
-The Indian Express The MGNREGS stands out as one of the Indian government's most ambitious social schemes, with far-reaching consequences throughout the economy. The only known recipe for poverty eradication is a combination of high growth and high development spending. Neither is sufficient. A recent study (Kapoor and Ahluwalia, 2012) has shown that post-liberalisation, one champion of poverty reduction in India is Andhra Pradesh. This reduction in poverty is widespread, as...
More »Will PepsiCo food replace hot, cooked mid day meals in schools? -Jitendra
-Down to Earth Secretary for food processing denies any knowledge of Harsimrat Kaur Badal speaking to PepsiCo's Indra Nooyi to provide processed food under nutrition scheme for school children Media reports about the government holding talks with the multi-national beverage company, PepsiCo, to provide processed food under the Mid Day Meal scheme, has angered food rights and child rights activists. They are planning to organise protests against any such move. The reports followed...
More »India Seeks Pepsi Role In School Meal Scheme
-Business World Soft drinks giant looking to reduce sugar contents in products, says minister Food processing Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal on Tuesday (26 August) said global food and beverages major PepsiCo is looking to bring down sugar contents in its soft drinks. Badal met PepsiCo's India-born Chairman and CEO Indra Nooyi in New Delhi. "In soft drinks they (PepsiCo) are looking at how to bring down the sugar content (but) that...
More »India's estimated milk demand to be about 155 mn tonnes by 2016-17: NDDB chairman
-The Business Standard Says need to increase the annual incremental milk production from 4 million tonnes per year to 7.8 million tonnes India's estimated demand for milk is likely to be about 155 million tonnes by 2016-17 and around 200 million tonnes in 2021-22, said chairman of National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) at the two-day seminar-cum-workshop on ‘Convergence of Productivity Enhancement Activities to Meet Future Demand of Milk and Milk Products'. "The country's...
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