Dantewada District Collector R. Prasanna has announced a probe into allegations of the police and paramilitary forces burning homes, molesting three women and killing at least three men in an operation early this month. On Wednesday, The Hindu and Rajasthan Patrika carried news reports in which eyewitnesses accused Chhattisgarh's Koya commandos (an armed tribal police corps) and the Central Reserve Police Force of burning over 300 homes and granaries, sexually assaulting...
Skewed sex ratio will negatively impact society: Pratibha`by Rajesh Ahuja
Stating that there were “fewer women then men in India,” President Pratibha Patil on Thursday cautioned that if this trend continued it would have a negative impact on society. Punjab and Haryana were already seeing the “implications,” she said delivering the Dr. V.N. Tewari Memorial Oration on ‘Women as drivers of a rising India' at the Panjab University here. The President said: “An agenda for empowerment of women should cover gender needs...
More »Supreme Court rejects plea for review of ruling “derogatory” to women
The Supreme Court has declined permission to a women's organisation for seeking a review of the judgment describing a woman as ‘keep' arguing that such an expression was derogatory to and discriminatory against women on the basis of marital status. In an October 21, 2010 judgment, a Bench of Justices Markandey Katju and T.S. Thakur said: “If a man has a ‘keep' whom he maintains financially and uses mainly for sexual...
More »More funds sought to assist children, women in crisis situations by Aarti Dhar
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Sunday released the Humanitarian Action for Children Report, 2011, requesting $1.4 billion in its appeal to donors to assist children and women caught in the throes of crises. The report highlights 32 countries and emphasizes the increasing importance of strengthening the resilience of communities. “Investing in children and building the resilience of countries and communities living on the edge not only shortens their road...
More »One woman raped every 34 minutes in India: Study by Rakshita Adyanthaya
A shocking statistic has revealed that India is highly vulnerable to harassment towards women, with one woman molested every 26 minutes. The study by the South India Cell for Human Rights Education and Monitoring said one woman is raped every 34 minutes, while among 15 million girls born every year, one-fourth don’t get to celebrate their 15th birthday. Many villages, despite dearth of basic amenities, have ultrasound machines to check the...
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