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Five years after Indian Ocean tsunami, affected nations rebuilding better – UN

Five years after the massive Indian Ocean tsunami, which left a devastating trail of death and destruction, millions of people have benefited from the influx of aid by rebuilding stronger infrastructure, social services and disaster warning systems than existed before the catastrophe, according to the United Nations agencies at the core of the recovery effort. The largest emergency relief response in history was prompted by the earthquake off the coast...

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Eventful year for Supreme Court J Venkatesan

Notwithstanding controversies, it passed several important judgments The year 2009 was eventful and memorable for the Supreme Court and Chief Justice of India K.G. Balakrishnan. The Court faced several controversies, the notable being the collegium’s decision to elevate Karnataka High Court Chief Justice P.D. Dinakaran as one of its judges. This controversy was preceded by a clean chit to Punjab and Haryana High Court Judge Nirmal Yadav in the Rs....

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Delhi mayor for closure of units ahead of Games

Delhi’s mayor wants owners of industrial units in and around the city to shut down a month before the October 3-14 Commonwealth Games to give the nation’s capital a cleaner and "world class" look. After all, he says, "the Chinese did the same" ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The mayor, Dr Kanwar Sain, said in his appeal on Wednesday that traders and industrial unit owners should cooperate in the "national...

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The Tendulkar Report: A Small Step Forward by R Ramakumar

Poverty is a multi-dimensional concept. Official statistics in India have always referred, arguably narrowly, to only income poverty (using the proxy measure of consumption expenditure from the NSSO surveys).The Suresh Tendulkar Committee report submitted to the Planning Commission is the latest input to the “Great Indian Poverty Debate”. While the increase in the number of poor households, as suggested by the Tendulkar Committee, may indeed help expand the coverage of...

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The imminent food crisis by AV Rajwade

The current food inflation is a result of food output growth not keeping pace with population growth Few recall that, just last month, there was a food security summit in Rome. In sharp contrast to the almost overwhelming coverage of the Copenhagen climate summit, it attracted far lesser attention from the heads of governments, as also from the media. This is somewhat strange as a food (and water) crisis can hit...

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