Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has fully supported Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) chief Nandan Nilekani’s effort to enroll all residents of India under the Aadhaar card scheme. Singh has instructed the Planning Commission to bring a proposal before the cabinet to provide statutory powers to UIDAI to enroll beyond the present limit of 20 crore people. The home ministry, which is collecting biometric details of people for creating the National...
Unique ID better than PC smart card: Montek by Nishit Dholabhai
The Planning Commission today said Nandan Nilekani’s unique identification (UID) numbers were a more practical option than P. Chidambaram’s smart cards when it comes to electronic transfer of benefits to the rural poor. Plan panel deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia said the UID numbers could be used even through “mobile telephones while the smart card can only be read by a card-reader”. The commission and the home ministry have both been pushing...
More »AIDWA wants Food Security Bill rejected by Aarti Dhar
The All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA) has called upon Parliament to reject the National Food Security Bill introduced in the Lok Sabha on Thursday. In a statement issued on Friday, the association said the Bill was a “more dangerous and rehashed version” of the current Targeted Public Distribution System, that proved to be an “utter failure” in view of the manner in which it eroded the food security of the...
More »Aadhaar: time to disown the idea by R Ramakumar
“…the Committee categorically convey their unacceptability of the National Identification Authority of India Bill, 2010…The Committee would, thus, urge the Government to reconsider and review the UID scheme.…” This was the conclusion of Parliament's Standing Committee on Finance (SCoF), which examined the Bill to convert the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) into a statutory authority. With this categorical rebuff, the SCoF dealt a body blow to the Aadhaar project, which...
More »Blow to Aadhaar project as Bill is rejected
-The Hindu The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance has rejected the National Identification Authority of India (NIAI) Bill, which was meant to give a legal backing to the Aadhaar project and its aim of using biometrics to create a unique identity for every resident of India. Sources in the Committee say the Bill has been rejected in its current form on the grounds of the project's high cost, as well as concerns...
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