In a bid to promote menstrual hygiene among Adolescent girls, the Government has approved Rs 150 Crore scheme to increase access to and use of high quality sanitary napkins to Adolescent girls in rural areas. The scheme envisages supplying a pack of six sanitary napkins to Below Poverty Line (BPL) girls at a nominal cost of Re. 1 per pack. All girls in the Above Poverty Line (APL) category will...
53.5 Thousand New Male Health Workers for Sub Health Centres in Disease-Prone Districts
In a big boost to Public Health System, the government approved hiring of more than 53500 male health workers for all the Sub Health Centers (SHC) in 235 high focus districts from the point of view of disease control. The total costs for providing the male health workers on contract at the 53,544 SHCs in the 235 high focus districts would be Rs. 385.52 crores per year and the central...
More »Scheme for low-cost sanitary napkins to rural girls approved by Aarti Dhar
The Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry on Tuesday approved a scheme for providing highly subsidised sanitary napkins to Adolescent girls in the rural areas to promote menstrual hygiene. The scheme, to be launched in 150 districts across the country in the first phase, will cost Rs.150 crore for the current financial year. Approved by the Mission Steering Group – the highest decision-making body – of the National Rural Health...
More »Core group of National Rural Health Mission meets
Promotion of menstrual hygiene among Adolescent girls in rural areas and introducing bio-markers in annual health survey were some of the crucial decisions taken during the meeting of the core group of the National Rural Health Mission today. The meeting of the Mission Steering Committee (MSG) of the NRHM, held under the chairmanship of Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, approved a proposal for promotion of menstrual hygiene for Adolescent girls...
More »Failure from the jaws of success by Samir Garg
The efforts to reduce child malnutrition in Chhattisgarh have hit a roadblock. The state has partially rolled back its policy of decentralized food provisioning in the Integrated Child Development Services (icds), the key programme for reducing malnutrition amongst pre-school children. The National Family Health Survey (nfhs) shows that 47 per cent of children in Chhattisgarh are underweight, putting it along with Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Meghalaya, among the top...
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