-Outlook As part of the ongoing probe into the multi-crore illegal granite quarrying scam in Madurai, police today raided the film production company of Union Minister M K Alagiri's son, Durai Dayanidhi, an accused in the case. The police team from Madurai searched the premises of Dayanidhi's cinema company here for nearly an hour, sources said without elaborating. Dayanidhi, for whom a special police team was on the lookout, and nine others are...
Washing off this stain will need more -Agrima Bhasin
-The Hindu The Supreme Court’s unyielding criticism of the government for not eradicating the practice of manual scavenging was the springboard for the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to introduce the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Bill, 2012 in the Lok Sabha on September 3. Welcomed as a panacea for the historically iniquitous, caste-ordained practice of manually handling human waste, the new Bill indicates renewed commitment...
More »Cabinet meets today; may cut sugar subsidy, hike dearness allowance for Government employees -Amit Chaturvedi
-NDTV The Union Cabinet is expected to meet this evening to consider a 7 per cent hike in the Dearness Allowance (DA) of Central government employees. Once approved, it will benefit over 52 lakh government employees. The Cabinet will also take a decision on computerisation of the Public Distribution System (PDS). A Food Ministry proposal seeks to digitise ration cards and fully computerise the PDS network especially at the back-end. Also, a Bailout package...
More »Kudankulam protests: Fishermen lay siege to Tuticorin port-Sam Daniel and Mala Das
-NDTV Tuticorin: Protests against the Kudankulam nuclear plant continue unabated as thousands of fishermen today laid siege to the port at Tuticorin, demanding the closure of the controversial plant. Nearly thousand fishing boats have blocked entry to the Tuticorin harbour, which is situated around 60 miles away from the nuclear power plant. The loading of nuclear fuel, which is on at one of the reactors at the Kudankulam plant, has not in...
More »Kudankulam row: NBW issued against Udayakumar
-PTI Kudankulam (TN): A local court today issued a Non Bailable Warrant (NBW) against anti-nuclear activist, SP Udayakumar spearheading the movement against Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant. The NBW was issued by the Valliyoor court against Udayakumar while hearing a case registered by the Revenue and Police of Tirunelveli “for misusing a place of worship to instigate people and agitate against the Government on September 10.” The Police and revenue officials had filed a...
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